Big painting summer sale

All paintings are normally selling for €1500 plus shipping..
Now only €1000 including shipping in Europe!*
I’m making up room for new collection.. grab a bargain and create your own art collection!
Prix d’Amerique winners Bold Eagle, Up and Quick, Readly Express, Facetime Bourbon.. Richest champion mare Roxane Griff..
*US and rest of the world shipping may cost extra

email me to: to reserve your painting or arrange commission!

  1. Roxane Griff  75x60cm 
  2. Readly Express PDA 2018 70x50cm 
  3. Up and Quick PDA 2015  70x50cm 
  4. Face Time Bourbon   70x50cm
  5. Bold Eagle  70x50cm  (sold)
  6. Photo Finish  70x50cm  (sold)
  7. Morning in Grosbois 70x50cm 
  8. Sweet Motherhood 70x50cm 
  9. Step up 70x50cm 
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